Former Members


Graduate Students

  • Alexander Alemi
  • Nicholas Patrick Bailey

    (2003). Post-docs at CAMP and the university of Roskilde in Denmark; now in the IMFUFA at Roskilde University.

  • Matthew Bierbaum
  • Kevin S. Brown

    (2003). Post-doc with Andrew Murray (Director of the Bauer Center for Genomics Research and professor of molecular and cell biology at Harvard); post-doc and collaborator with Jean Carlson (Physics, UCSB), now in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Connecticut, with joint appointments in Chemistry, Physics, and Marine Sciences.

  • Jean M. Carlson

    Thesis (1988). Post-Doctoral position with the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Santa Barbara. Currently professor of Physics at UC Santa Barbara.

  • Fergal P. Casey

    (2006). Post-doc in bioinformatics with Denis Shields, Conway Institute, University College Dublin, then at Entelos Corporation, then at Novartis.

  • Ricky Chachra

    (2013). Senior strategy consultant at IBM Business Performance Services in Armonk, NY.

  • Connie Chang

    (2005). 2005-2006 Post-doc with Kieron Burke at Rutgers.

  • Yan-Jiun Chen

    (2013). Financial Software Developer at Bloomberg.

  • Yong S. Chen

    (2011). Started as senior design engineer at Brion Technologies - ASML, then assistant vice president at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

  • Woosong Choi

    (2012). working as a developer at Jane Street Capital, LLC.

  • Colin Clement
  • Valerie R. Coffman

    (2006). Post-doc at NIST with Stephen Langer, NIST staff, now doing freelance software and exploring starting up a company.

  • Karin Andrea Sabine Dahmen

    Ph.D. Thesis, (1995). Harvard Junior Fellow; currently an associate professor in physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana.

  • Bryan Daniels

    (2010). Post-doc at the Santa Fe Institute, then at the Center for Complexity at Madison.

  • Eric Ralph Grannan

    Ph.D. Thesis (1989). Post-doctoral position at AT&T Bell Labs, and with Clare Yu at the University of California at Irvine. Worked at Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse First Boston, West End Capital Management; now starting up a new hedge fund, partnering with FrontPoint.

  • Ryan Gutenkunst

    Post-doc with Williamson and Bustamante in Biological Statistics and Computational Biology, Cornell University; post-doc at Los Alamos National Labs, now faculty member in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Arizona. (Cornell dspace version.)

  • Lorien Hayden
  • Ming Huang

    Ph.D. Thesis (1991). Graduated from Stanford Business School, assistant professor at the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago; assistant and associate professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, now full professor at the Johnson Graduate School of Management here at Cornell University.

  • Jaron Kent-Dobias
  • Matthew C. Kuntz

    (1999); Started as Architect at WorldStreet Corporation, then Product Architect and Principle Technical Lead at DeNovis, now Chief Technology Officer at HealthEdge.

  • Stephen Aaron Langer

    Ph.D. Thesis, (1989). Post-doctoral position with Leo Kadanoff at the University of Chicago, and with Michael Wortis's group at Simon Fraser. Now in the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division at NIST, leading the development of OOF.

  • Surachate Limkumnerd

    (2006). Post-doc with Erik van der Giessen at the University of Groningen, now at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

  • Benjamin Brooks Machta

    (2012). Lewis Sigler Theory Fellow, Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University.

  • Christopher Robert Myers

    (1991). Post-doctoral fellow at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Santa Barbara, currently the Associate Director of the Cornell Theory Center with focus on computational life sciences.

  • Olga Perkovic

    Ph.D. Thesis, (1996). Worked with McKinsey & Company, currently vice president for corporate planning of URS Corp.

  • Katherine Quinn
  • Archishman Raju
  • Mohit Randeria
  • Bruce W. Roberts
  • Daniel Soleyman Rokhsar
  • Ashivni Shekhawat

    Ashivni Shekhawat (2013). Miller Fellow in Materials Science and Engineering, Berkeley, working with Rob Ritchie. (Third in fifty years in MS&E; Ritchie was the first.)

  • Joel D. Shore

    Thesis, (1991). Post-doc with Michael Wortis's group at Simon Fraser University, post-doc with Martin Grant at McGill, then senior scientist at Kodak in Rochester. Currently at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

  • Mark K. Transtrum

    (2011). Post-doc with Peng Qiu in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, now assistant professor in Physics and Astronomy at Brigham Young University.

  • Joshua J. Waterfall

    (2006). Post-doc in experimental biology with John Lis at Cornell, now a research fellow at NCI in Paul Meltzer's lab.

  • Lisa Kathleen Wickham

    Ph.D. Thesis, (1999). Post-doc at Livermore, working on dislocation motion; staff position at Bell Laboratories; currently consulting and teaching in Applied and Engineering Physics at Cornell.