2D Ising Correlation Function

The spin-spin correlation functions for the two-dimensional Ising model is known exactly at zero external field. It is expressed in terms of integrals of Painlevé functions which, while of fundamental importance in many fields of physics, are not provided in most software environments. There are also exact results known at finite field at the critical temperature. This site provides data, software, and supplemental documentation for the manuscript XXX. Here we post useful implementations of exact results and numerical simulations.

Analytic results

A python implementation for the universal scaling function for the two-dimensional Ising correlation function at zero magnetic field (both F+ for T>Tc and F-, the (disconnected) correlation function for T<Tc), together with the particular Painlevé function needed,

Numerical snapshots

To estimate the scaling function at non-zero magnetic fields, we generated an ensemble of uncorrelated snapshots of the Ising model at various fields and temperatures (chosen to form a contour of constant 'radius' in Schofield coordinates), as follows

Numerical correlation functions

From these, we extract correlation functions as a function of radius. (We average the 2D radii (i,j) into distance bins around the nearest integer to distance sqrt(i*i+j*j).) The following tgz file contains all our numerical correlation functions as txt files with triples (distance, correlation function, standard deviation):

Corr1024.tgz. CorrPickle.tgz (Python pickle format)

The names of the files give the temperatures and fields of the simulations. The error estimates in the above correlation functions are the diagonal entries of their covariance matrices. The entire covariance matrices, used for our fits, is given in

CorrVar.tgz (Python pickle format)

Asymptotic correlation length

Here we provide an interpolation between three exact results for the exponential decay length of the correlation function near the critical temperature and field of the 2D Ising model. XXX

Interpolated universal scaling form

The universal scaling form for non-zero field is fit well by a suitable interpolation between the forms F+ and F-. We generate this scaling form using an approximate scaling form for the susceptibility and the correlation length (the exponential decay of the connected correlation function). These are written as a polynomial in the Schofield coordinate Θ (The correlation length is fit to the three exact values at Θ=0, 1, and Θc ≈ 1.08, corresponding to T>Tc, T=Tc, and T<Tc.) One can systematically improve on the universal scaling form for small distances, larger fields, and farther from the critical temperature by adding analytic and singular corrections to scaling. For the 2D Ising model, the leading singular corrections to scaling are believed to vanish.

YJ's Git repository


Last Modified: July 22, 2013

This work supported by the Division of Materials Research of the U.S. National Science Foundation, through grant NSF DMR 1312160.

Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, now available at Oxford University Press (USA, Europe).