6.0 Chapter overview and motivation

Chapter Six examines the significance and draws conclusions about this project. The significance of this project is the unique combination of interactive multimedia, engineering simulation, the web, and K-12 education that has been created. The results of the evaluations on design and content of the Cracking Dams web site are very positive. This module accomplishes the goal of teaching K-12 children about fracture mechanics in dams using the Internet as the medium for education and communication. This chapter provides a summary of the applications, evaluations, and conclusions on each aspect of the module and the underlying objectives and theories. First, the learning objectives to teach engineering skills, civil and environmental engineering topics, how to use engineering simulation, and the societal impact of engineering are reviewed with consideration given to the learning theories on collaboration, constructivism, problem-based learning, case-based reasoning, and scaffolding. Next, each of these aspects is discussed: engineering in K-12, interactive multimedia, the Internet in the classroom, three levels of learning, and design considerations. The WebQuests are addressed as the lesson plans for the modules; fracture mechanics and dams are addressed as the topics of the module and WebQuests. Gould’s usability design process is reviewed with respect to the project. A summary of future development is detailed. Finally, thoughts on the significance of the project are given.

6.1 On the learning objectives and theories

As described at the beginning of this thesis, there are certain objectives of the web site, skills and concepts to be communicated to the user: the engineering skills of teamwork, iterative design, and problem solving; civil and environmental engineering topics; simulation in engineering; and the societal and environmental impact of engineering. In conjunction with these objectives, several learning theories are employed in the design and content of the module: collaboration, constructivism, problem-based learning, case-based reasoning, and scaffolding. As each of the objectives are reviewed in their applications in the module and in the results of the evaluations; note of the learning theory applications are made as well.

6.1.1 Engineering skills: teamwork, iterative design, and problem-solving

Students learn about the skill of teamwork in several sections of the module and they also apply it by using the WebQuest. In the spirit of case-based reasoning, there are examples of teamwork in engineering in both the Case Histories and Scenarios sections. In both of these sections, engineering teamwork is portrayed in the efforts to remedy cracked dams in each of the cases and in the planning and construction scenarios for dams. Students use their teamwork skills in the WebQuest, which allows them to apply the skill they are learning in a true constructivist application. The teams must collaborate on each part of the process of the WebQuest and come to a group decision to complete their final task, posting a statement on the impact of dams on the electronic bulletin board. Each person must become an expert in their role in the WebQuest and lead the rest of the group at certain points; this is a realistic portrayal of group work. In the evaluations, collaboration allowed the students to build on each other’s motivation and knowledge and was a positive force in the completion of the WebQuest.

Engineering usually requires iterative design; a design is not perfect the first time around. This second engineering skill is emphasized throughout the module. The histories of the development of each dam type and of fracture mechanics illustrate the process of iterative design. The emphasis on the iterations in design solutions in the explanations of the cracking problems or failure of the El Atazar, Fontana, Kolnbrein and Malpasset dams facilitates case-based reasoning. As simulation tools are introduced in the Dams and Cracks sections to scaffold the student, the need for iteration to use the tool appropriately is pointed out. For example, the student learns that loads must be applied to the dam in a simulation, but some testing is usually necessary to decide what loads are important for that case. In the Simulation section, the user sees several suggestions to try the applet more than once; the Simulation results page provides examples of different things to try with the applet to provide a basis for comparison. The user is able to actively employ iterative design in the simulations that he or she performs with the applet, another example of an application of constructivism.

The third engineering skill taught by the module is problem-solving. Again, the user sees this skill in several sections of the module and also has the chance to apply it. The histories of dam development and fracture mechanics describe, in essence, the solving of problems. The user sees logical thinking, deductive reasoning, and decision-making in each of the Case Histories; each of the stories recounts the efforts of engineers to solve the problem of cracking in a dam or provide explanations for the cracking. Students use case-based reasoning in the Advanced WebQuests to apply what they learn about the cracking remedies from other cases to the dam in their Quest. Evaluations indicate that case-based reasoning was used to some extent in this WebQuest. Students apply problem-solving skills in learning how to perform the simulation, estimate and analyze the loss of life due to a dam failure, and make decisions on the impact of dams, all of which are key points of the WebQuests.


6.1.2 Civil and environmental engineering topics

The second objective of the module is to show the students examples of what civil engineers do. The cee icon helps the user realize that a process described by the module or performed by the student is also one that a civil engineer might do. These processes include the design, planning, and construction of dams, the use of simulation, the testing of materials, and many others.

6.1.3 Simulation in engineering

The third objective of the module is to teach the student about engineering simulations. The student learns when simulation is useful in the Cracks History section, in each of the Case Histories, and in the Simulation section. The basic steps to perform a simulation of cracking in a dam are embedded in the sections on Dams and Cracks so that the user learns them as he or she moves through the beginning of the module. The student is actually able to perform a computer simulation of fracture in a dam in the Simulation section, a very interactive process. Once again, the user is able to learn about simulation and then apply what he or she has learned. The opportunity to perform this type of computer simulation is not known to be available anywhere else on the web at this time.

6.1.4 Societal and environmental impacts of engineering

The fourth objective of the module is to present a well-rounded view of engineering and dams, which includes not only the technical aspects but also the social and environmental impacts. The Planning and Construction Scenarios describe the impact of each step. The Scenarios of the estimation of the loss of life due to a dam failure show the user the dramatic impacts of a failure in an interactive, constructivist manner. The Dams sections on Societal Nature and Opposition describe the services that dams provide, the problems dams cause, and what steps have been taken to try to mitigate those problems. Dams provide services that benefits almost everyone in one way or another, but the impacts on the environment and on people and property if a dam fails can be just as global. The user is prompted on several occasions to consider these impacts and post a statement on their reflections on the bulletin board. The main goal of the WebQuest is also to have the groups reflect on the different impacts of dams. In the evaluations, statements on their reflections were not as clear as they could have been and were not always posted on the bulletin board; this may have been due to the newness of the electronic bulletin board technology to them. But the students appear to put more emphasis on the services provided by dams when weighing them against the negative impacts, like cracking or killing of fish. In some cases, the services dams provide do outweigh the consequences, but not always. The Cracking Dams module helps the student to realize this and foster a more global view of such societal structures.

6.2 On engineering in K-12

Evaluation results indicate that K-12 students are receptive to the engineering topics of the module and are able to find motivation for and understanding of engineering skills, simulation, and impact. Collaboration allows those who are interested in engineering to help and motivate those who are not as sure about engineering. As noted earlier, connections between the module and the K-12 curricula are provided both in the WebQuests and on the Applications page for each module. It could be argued that specific points in the curricula need to be identified as times for teachers to use the module in the classroom. But this could be restrictive, inclining teachers to only use the module at those points in the curriculum. By indicating the skills and concepts the module and WebQuests use at each level, the teacher is free to find an appropriate time in his or her classroom to introduce the module. It is important that the teacher scaffolds the student during the WebQuest and helps the student make the connection between the module and the curricula. Therefore, it is also important that the teacher feel comfortable with the module. Addressing usability of the module for teachers was beyond the scope of this project but is suggested for further development.

More generally, the module and WebQuests measure well against the Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology as published by the Regents of the University of the State of New York and listed in Chapter Three (Regents, 1996). Each of the seven standards is here elaborated on with respect to the module’s applications of the standard.

Standard one: Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.

First, mathematical analysis involves symbolic representation, deductive reasoning, and critical thinking skills. Symbolic representation is used in several instances in the mathematical descriptions of cracks and dams in the first two sections of the module. Deductive and inductive reasoning are encouraged to analyze the results of the simulation and of the loss of life estimation. Critical thinking skills are employed as the student applies what he or she has learned in the Cracks and Dams sections to perform a simulation.

Second, the central purpose of scientific inquiry is defined by the Regents as "to develop explanations of natural phenomena in a continuing, creative process" (Regents, 1996). The module can be used as the starting point for a continuing scientific inquiry. A class might learn about the environmental and social impacts of dams in general from Cracking Dams; from there, the class might research a local area dam that is having an impact on the environment, or adopt a well-known controversial dam to research and develop a position about its impacts. The module provides links to several agencies that are both for and against dams and links to web sites on several controversial dams that could provide the next step in an environmental inquiry on dams. Another possibility is a long-term WebQuest that would structure inquiry based on every section of a level of the module.

Third, engineering design involves iteration, modeling, and optimization, all of which are emphasized in the module. Students have the opportunity to model a cracked dam, simulate its response to different loads, fixities, and cracks, and analyze the results. They also are encouraged to consider the different aspects of planning and construction of a dam as well as the positive and negative impacts of an erected dam. These are important steps in determining the optimization of services and minimization of problems.

Standard two: Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.

First, the online delivery of the module is the epitome of this standard. The web allows students to access the information on cracks and dams, simulate the fracture of a dam, and receive the results of the simulation to draw conclusions. In addition, the module encourages the user to access the National Inventory of Dams and US Census Bureau databases, also online, to find information to incorporate into his or her studies on dams. Electronic bulletin board technologies allow students to communicate outside of their classrooms and outside of their country. Students must also realize the need for ethical use of technologies like an electronic bulletin board.

Standard three: Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-world settings, and by solving problems through the integrated study of number systems, geometry, algebra, data analysis, probability, and trigonometry.

Through the real-world issue of cracking in dams, students apply math skills and concepts to learn about the characteristic shapes of dams and cracks, calculation of forces and properties of a material in a given state, scale drawings of dams, and the nature of uncertainties associated with dam cracking and failure. Measurement in both metric and English units is noted throughout the module. Students also recognize patterns in the color contours of the simulation results.

Standard four: Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

Scientific concepts such as forces, equilibrium, and energy are discussed in the module with respect to dams and cracking. The interaction of a dam with the air, water, and land is apparent in many stages of a dam’s life – the inundation of land by reservoir water at a dam’s inception, solar radiation causing cracking in a dam, or shifts in the foundation of the dam causing its failure. The environmental effects of dams are numerous – some habitats are destroyed and others are created, some species are endangered and others thrive. These interactions and effects are addressed at numerous points in the module. In addition, the historical development of four types of dams and of fracture mechanics is also discussed, as suggested in the last point of the standard.

Standard five: Students will apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.

In essence, this is the main goal of the WebQuests designed for Cracking Dams: to guide the user in a technical simulation and in consideration of social and ecological impacts to come to a decision on dams. Students use their existing computer and Internet skills to maneuver about the site, perform a simulation, and estimate loss of life due to a dam failure. Further issues the web site might lead the user to consider are safety monitoring and costs of maintenance and repairs to better evaluate dams.

Standard six: Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

Common themes include modeling, magnitude and scales, equilibrium, patterns, and optimization (Regents, 1996). Each of these themes is apparent in the Cracking Dams module. Students address modeling, magnitude, and scale in their simulation of a dam. Equilibrium and patterns can be seen in the forces on dams, the common shapes of dams, and crack growth. Finally, optimization, as noted earlier, is addressed in the consideration of the pros and cons of dam impacts.

Standard seven: Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.

The Cracking Dams module focuses on subjects that are current and have a significant impact on society and the environment. Students are presented with both current and historical information on dam services and problems with the opportunity to do a technical simulation to make an informed decision on their opinion of dams. The interdisciplinary nature of dams and cracks make them ideal vehicles for applications of mathematics, science, and technology.

6.3 On the use of interactive multimedia

The interactive multimedia used in the module includes Java applets, JavaScript roll-overs, Quicktime video clips, animated GIFs, a web-form, and an electronic bulletin board. The web-FRANC2D simulation applet proved to be the most interactive and intriguing element of the module in all of the evaluations. The students were able to apply what they were learning about cracks and dams to their simulation model, providing motivation for understanding. The simulation also gave the students a chance to experience engineering first-hand. The web-form provides interaction on the dramatic social impact of a dam failure; juxtaposed with the interactive simulation that emphasizes the technical aspect of engineering, the web-form provides interaction with emphasis on the social aspect of engineering. Students reported that they found the loss of life web-form very interesting. The electronic bulletin board provides a medium for communication outside the classroom. Although students were not inclined to use the bulletin board in some of the evaluations, this is likely due to their unfamiliarity with it. Perhaps an explanation by the teacher of the purpose of the bulletin board would increase student use. The other multimedia elements were repeatedly noted on evaluation forms as making the module "fun" and "cool." This implies that these elements added something positive to the student’s learning. The students who tested the Beginning level liked the interactive multimedia, although they are typically used to a high amount of animation and audio in computer games. Overall the use of interactive multimedia has a positive impact on student use of the module.

6.4 On the use of the Internet in classrooms

There is nothing holding back educational use of the Internet in the classrooms. National statistics and local surveys indicate that the resources are available for classroom use of the Internet, or at least use in a lab setting. Placing educational resources on the web makes them easily accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. If changes are made to a web site, the changes are immediately available; there are no repercussions like having to buy a new version of software. Particular to the Cracking Dams module, scaffolding of the site for use in the classroom also helps make it easier for teachers to get online and get started. Again, the connection between the module and the classroom topics must be obviated by the teacher in order for the students to get the most out of using the Internet in the classroom. The WebQuest helps the teacher make this connection by providing the lesson plan and a list of related curriculum topics. Teachers can find the site on a number of educational resource lists on the web.

The students say they want to use the web, and this module, in the classroom. The interest is certainly there, but there are implications to using the Internet in the classroom. One of the biggest challenges of using online educational resources in the classroom is adapting the students’ perceptions of the web and computers to include education, not just entertainment; educational resources like Cracking Dams begin to do this. By promoting interaction and using multimedia, even educational web sites can seem like games; this is why the curricula connections are so important. The vast amount of entertainment-type material on the web cannot be denied. The best thing that can be done is learn from the successful entertaining and commercial web sites and transfer the positive aspects to educational web sites.

Another implication of the Internet in classrooms is the temptation to browse the web during class. Sufficient motivation and focus on the educational web site help with this issue. Interactive multimedia and the WebQuest framework act to this effect in the Cracking Dams module. Also, classrooms may be physically set up to facilitate the teacher’s control over students’ browsing by allowing the teacher to see what is on all of the students’ monitors.

6.5 On three levels of learning

The module is separated into Advanced, Intermediate, and Beginning levels based on nationwide standards and input from teachers. The content and design for each level are based on skills, concepts, and attitudes for each age group, such as the use of Dammy the Beaver in the Beginning level. Each level of the module has been tested with its suggested audience. The feedback indicates that the content and layout of each level is age-appropriate, even considering the range of ages for which each level is intended. The Beginning level audience, K-4, may have some difficulty with the reading, but the help of an adult can scaffold use sufficiently in most cases. The level of communication is also appropriate for each level – the students are getting something out of it, according to the evaluations.

A level for non-readers and a level for undergraduate engineers are feasible but beyond the scope of this project. The content of the module can certainly be extended for both age groups; this is also suggested for future development.

6.6 On design considerations

Design considerations include aspects of appearance, navigation, content, and technologies. The evaluations showed that all of these aspects are effective. In particular, technologies such as Java and JavaScript provide interactivity without reaching the "bleeding edge." Provisions have been made to keep these technologies from detracting from the site if the browser is incapable of executing them. The Java and JavaScript programs have also been kept at a level that should be understandable by the majority of browsers commonly used.

By designing for a screen width of 700 pixels and keeping download times reasonable, students viewing the site with low-end computers and slow connections should still have a pleasant experience. The computers at the GIAC facility where the Beginning level evaluation took place were particularly slow but not too slow to cause the students to lose focus. The slow connection did cause the roll-over changes to take a longer time; thus, sometimes students did not wait long enough to see the change. As a result, instructions were changed to tell the student to place the mouse on a location instead of roll over it, to allow for slow download times. The movie clips took several minutes to download at the GIAC facility, but the students were willing to wait.

6.7 On WebQuests

Ultimately providing scaffolding and motivation, the WebQuests incorporate collaboration, problem-based learning, and constructivism. Reports of effective organization and instructions from the evaluations indicate that the WebQuests are scaffolding use of the site appropriately. Students are able to learn about the dynamics of teamwork as well as practice it with the WebQuests. The groups’ worksheets from the WebQuests indicate that the groups did use critical thinking to design the models for their simulations and develop an opinion on dams. Overall student response to the WebQuest activity is positive and indicates a willingness to use it in the classroom. Evaluations indicate that the WebQuests must be clear and focused and some scaffolding still has to come from the teacher. This requires that the WebQuest give explicit instructions without becoming a cookbook, so that critical thinking is still encouraged. There is a fine line to draw for this challenge. The level of detail in the WebQuests was improved as a result of several evaluations thus far; further testing and evaluation would help refine the WebQuests. Clarity of instructions and length of the WebQuest are important characteristics.

Also, it is important that the teacher feels able to scaffold the students’ use of the module. Teachers should be able to use the Cracking Dams module in the classroom more easily with the introduction of a WebQuest; this is a point for further evaluation and development though. Teachers are also free to write their own WebQuests about the Cracking Dams module.

6.8 On the topics of fracture mechanics and dams

Most students can find some personal motivation to learn about these topics from one angle or another. Some students may find the technical aspects motivating, others the environmental aspects. There will always be some students who do not find any attraction in cracks or dams, but collaborative work will help these students see what other students find interesting about cracks or dams. The topics remain current, as evidenced by their appearance in the news almost daily and as the cause of conference gatherings yearly. The interdisciplinary nature of dams and of the fracture of dams provides a good vehicle to show students applications of math and science in a real-life situation. The continued need for simulation of cracking in dams makes Cracking Dams an important module of SimScience, providing an excellent opportunity for students to perform an engineering simulation on the web. As noted earlier, feedback from the evaluations indicates that students feel that dams do more good than harm; the Cracking Dams module provides them with a well-rounded view of the situation, providing great opportunity for reflection and debate.


6.9 On the usability design cycle

Gould’s cycle for usability design has proven to be very helpful for the completion of the design of an interactive web site for K-12 students, although it is difficult to test all aspects of the site in the appropriate environments. Incorporating evaluation and feedback from the intended users seems like an obvious benefit for the usable design of anything, but it is not always implemented; Gould’s steps emphasize this point. It is also important to keep the users in mind during design and redesign, another obvious point. The benefit of feedback is receiving information on what needs to be redesigned and on what is working efficiently. It is important that changes suggested at an evaluation be made before the next evaluation so that those changes can be evaluated as well. The final design and content of the web site were deeply affected by the results of the evaluations at every iteration. The feedback also indicates that the module is communicating engineering skills, simulation, and impacts to students. The design of the evaluation form itself is also an iterative process -- to ask the right questions in a clear format.

System installation, the final step in the design cycle, truly requires maintenance and support for the life of the product; in this case, the product could remain an accessible web site for a long time. Several people will be charged with the upkeep of the site. Installation also deals with the use of the module in the classroom in this case; this involves future work as is discussed below. The gamut of the installation phase makes it difficult to complete within the time frame of this project. Provisions have been made for those aspects requiring further support. The design and evaluation cycles and system installation phase can be never-ending, the same as in engineering and education.

The parallels between engineering, education, and web site design are apparent in the problem-solving and iterative cycles they all require. The problem to be solved in each case is how to optimize the solution within the given constraints. In engineering, the professionals must decide how to build the most beneficial dam with the least negative societal and environmental impact. In web site design, the professionals must decide how to communicate their message most effectively using the multimedia and interaction available on the web without overpowering the user with too much text or too much technology. In education, the professionals (the teachers) must decide how to reach each child individually without sacrificing the class as a whole. In engineering, design iterations often require both hand calculation and computer simulation. In web site design, the iterations may be hand-drawn or computer generated. In education, the iterations have traditionally been with textbooks and handouts; the opportunities are available to make the parallels complete and involve computers in education, allowing for interactive, nonlinear, self-paced learning.

6.10 On future developments

There are endless possibilities for continuation of this project; the iterations are never complete. Future developments could take several directions: extension of the module or creation of another module; further design iterations and extension of the Java simulation applet; design of additional WebQuests; or further testing of the use of the module and WebQuests. This module of SimScience was originally intended to discuss the fracture mechanics of both dams and aircraft. The original developers of the module began with dams; as time became limited and the information on dams expansive, the module became limited to dams. Fracture mechanics has important applications in the aircraft industry and creation of another module to discuss this topic could appeal to many and provide a look at fracture mechanics from another perspective.

There is one version of the Java simulation applet that appears in both the Intermediate and Advanced levels. Separate versions of the applet for each level, and perhaps even another for undergraduate students, would allow the inclusion of different options for each level. Additional functions to allow for specific comparisons between simulations would help guide the student through iterative design. Choices of material property and water pressure in cracks were investigated during this project but not completed.

Additional WebQuests could be written to focus on the planning and construction of dams, fracture mechanics theory, or the iterative design of simulation models. A long-term WebQuest could be developed to make use of all components of the site.

Finally, additional testing and evaluation on use in the classroom, the teacher’s ability to use the module and WebQuests, and the specifics of the communication of the learning objectives to the students would benefit the module and the WebQuests.

6.11 Final thoughts

As the AAAS and the NRC suggest, the Cracking Dams module is designed to challenge students with real-life problems to build an understanding of science and math. The module presents the opportunity for students to learn about non-traditional subjects in a non-traditional manner. As a medium for communication and education, the web makes this opportunity available for students and classes all over the nation. In the end, the success of this project depends on the teachers. The teachers must decide to use this module and scaffold their students effectively. There are many concepts to teach by the end of a year; there are many guidelines for the teacher to follow. How can teachers be asked to take a risk, to make the effort to try something new? Why will teachers do it? Teachers will use the module, and other educational resources like it, because they are not teaching for the money, they are teaching for the students.