Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity

Statistical Mechanics 6562/4488, Spring 2024
MWF, 10:10-11:00, Clark 294D
Jim Sethna sethna@lassp.cornell.edu, PSB 412, 5-5132, office hours Mon 11-12:00.
TA: Stephen Thornton, sjt95@cornell.edu, PSB 425, office hours Fri 12:30-2:30, PSB 416
Other key personnel: Anna Barth and Kaarthik Varma

  • Aimed broadly at grads in physics, computer science, engineering, biology, mathematics, and the social sciences
  • Quantum mechanics will be important only for two weeks during the course. Previous statistical mechanics is not required, but extra work to catch up would be necessary. A high level of scientific sophistication, however, is expected.
  • Will use a 'flipped classroom' format, with activities during class hours and content covered in the reading.
  • Text is the second edition, Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, second edition (Jan. 2021). New and modified exercises have been added to the first edition.
This course focuses on those topics in statistical mechanics of interest to scholars in many fields. Topics will include random walks and emergent properties; temperature and equilibrium; phase space dynamics and ergodicity; entropy; free energies; quantum statistical mechanics; calculation and computation; order parameters, broken symmetries, and topology; correlations, response, and dissipation; abrupt phase transitions; and continuous phase transitions, fractals, and the renormalization group.

Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity Second Edition

Available at Oxford University Press

Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, available at Oxford University Press.

Last modified: Dec. 6, 2023