% MATHLAB/OCTAVE HINTS % PHYSICS 562 % STATISTICAL MECHANICS % 2004 (May be out of date...) % Matlab / Octave example for random matrix exercise % GENERATING RANDOM GOE MATRICES % Generating M members of the GOE ensemble of NxN matrices, and % calculating the difference between the eigenvalues % in the middle of the range % Increase M, N, and Nbins as appropriate M = 20; N = 4; Nbins = 8; % randn gives Gaussian random numbers; randn(N) generates a NxN matrix % Mat' is the transpose differences = zeros(M,1); % Initialize array of differences M11 = zeros(M,1); % Initialize array of 11 entries for m = 1:M Mat = randn(N); Ms = Mat + Mat'; lambda = sort(eig(Ms)); differences(m) = lambda(N/2+1)-lambda(N/2); M11(m) = Ms(1,1); end % Divide out by mean value of the splittings diffAve = mean(differences) % hist generates a histogram of differences with Nbins bins. % Change Nbins to 50 or so when you do production runs. % Octave allows one to use the third argument to normalize the area of % the histogram (say, to one). % Matlab doesn't normalize the histograms hist(differences/diffAve,Nbins) % PLOTTING THEORY OVER HISTOGRAM % Demonstrated with histogram for diagonal element % First plot histogram for M11 hist(M11,Nbins) % "hold on" and "hold off" allow one to combine curves hold on % Now, plot expected Gaussian fit % define x curve x = min(M11)-1:0.01:max(M11)+1; M11Range = max(M11)-min(M11) % y(x) is Gaussian of RMS width sigma = 2 (diagonal element doubled in size) % expected width of diagonal element sigma11 = 2; y = (1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma11^2))*exp(-x.*x/(2*sigma11^2)); % Histogram multiplies height by number of entries, divides it by Nbins normalization = M*M11Range/Nbins plot(x,normalization*y) % Reset graphics so next curve is not overlayed on these two hold off % GENERATING RANDOM +-1 MATRICES % Symmetric matrix with integer values +-1 with 50/50 probability % rand gives flat distributions of random numbers between 0 and 1 % generate random matrix of +- 1 MatPM = sign(2*rand(N) -1) % Allocate space for NxN matrix Ms MsPM = zeros(N); % Symmetrize: copy top half of the matrix (diagonal copied twice) for i=1:N for j=i:N MsPM(i,j) = MatPM(i,j); MsPM(j,i) = MatPM(i,j); end end % Show the matrix: check that it worked MsPM