LAUNCHING NEW INITIAL CONDITIONS: Click with the LEFT mouse button at a point to start with zero velocity at that coordinate. (On a Macintosh, this is the only button.) Press and drag the left mouse button to start a new inital condition with non-zero velocity: the length of the arrow is proportional to the velocity.
ZOOMING: To zoom in to a region, press and hold the RIGHT mouse button at one corner of the region you want. (Or, especially for Macs with only one button, Control-LEFT also works: hold down the Control key and press and hold the LEFT or only button.) As you move the mouse, a rectangular box will appear. When you release the mouse button, the region within the rectangle is expanded to fill the screen. To zoom out, either drag the mouse outside of the window, or resize the window smaller and larger (when resizing smaller, the viewed area is maintained; when resizing larger, the image size is maintained). To zoom back to full scale, single click with the RIGHT button (or Control-LEFT) without moving the mouse. The aspect ratio is kept fixed.
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity,
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Oxford University Press