Help for Graphs

CURSOR READOUT: In graphs, pressing and holding the mouse button gives, at the top left of the graph, the position of the cursor in the coordinate system of the graph.

ZOOMING: To zoom in to a region, press and hold the RIGHT mouse button at one corner of the region you want. (Or, especially for those with only one button, Control-LEFT does the same thing: hold down the Control key and press and hold the LEFT or only button.) As you move the mouse, a rectangular box will appear. When you release the mouse button, the region within the rectangle is expanded to fill the screen. To zoom back to full scale, single click with the RIGHT button (or Control-Left) without moving the mouse.

To zoom a single axis, drag the cursor below (or to the left of) the axis, using the RIGHT (or Control-LEFT) mouse button.

COPYING DATA: Using the "Copy Graph" button at the top of the window, you can copy the current data in the graph to another window. Using this window allows you to hold interesting graphs on the screen, to combine several graphs into one, to display new data along with the old, to save data as a data file or to print out the graph.

"steal data" copies the data currently displayed in the main window onto the copied graph. This is useful for comparing data for different values of the parameters.

"configure" allows you to hide or delete the display of unwanted data sets, and to change the appearance of the graph (font, color, etc).

Data can also be saved, as (x,y) pairs or as a postscript file.

Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, now available at Oxford University Press (USA, Europe).

Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, now available at Oxford University Press (USA, Europe).