"schrdgr", a program to solve Schrödinger's equation for a particle bound in a potential well, was written by James P. Sethna (see https://sethna.lassp.cornell.edu/sethna.html) for use in the Cornell engineering physics Waves course (Physics 214).
It uses utilities developed by Robert Silsbee, Joerg Draeger, Russ Thompson, R. Barry Robinson, and others for the SSS modules, developed for teaching the undergraduate Solid State course at Cornell. They are now available on the Web, and the text will soon be available from Cambridge University Press. It is based on previous computer labs, developed by Peter Lepage, Persis Drell, Mohammad Rezai, Bill Dimm, and probably several others at Cornell: the text of the assignment and the structure of the lab is due mostly to them (but problems are of course my fault). This program and all the documentation are copyrighted, copyright October 1996.
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity,
now available at
Oxford University Press