The Unix Interface

Running the Simulation

Under Unix, the simulation has a simple console interface with external tools used to support graphics. (The interface can also be used under windows with no graphics. The program can be run using the command HysteresisConsole. After the program is run, actions are performed by typing commands at the ">>>" prompt. In order to run the program non-interactively, a series of commands can be placed in a file, and the command HysteresisConsole filename can be run.

The Commands

The commands in the Console version of the simulation can be divided into three types: running the simulation, setting up the simulation, and controling the display and output of results.

Run a simulation

  • run #: Run # simulations with different random seeds.
  • setup: display the current settings of the simulation.
  • ?: display a list of commands.
  • q: quit the program.

Set up the simulation

There are a number of commands for setting up the simulation

  • d #: Set the number of dimensions to #.
  • l #: Set the length of a side to #.
  • r #: Set the quenched random disorder to #.
  • seed #: Set the initial random seed to #.

Display and Output

There are many different types of data that HysteresisConsole can output and display. These include: the state of the lattice, the magnetization as a function of the external field, the change in magnetization as a function of field, the distribution of avalanche sizes, and the correlation function of spins within an avalanche. It can also average some of these functions over multiple runs. Each type of output/display can be independently turned on/off using simple commands. (If both output and display of a data type are turned off, no computer time will be spent calculating them.) Here are the commands for turning input/output on and off. For all commands, a + turns the feature on, and a - turns the feature off.


  • display +/-: toggle all display.
  • d_lattice +/-: toggle the display of the lattice state.
  • d_loop +/-: toggle the display of the hysteresis loop (magnetization as a function of external field).
  • d_time +/-: toggle the display of the time series (change in magnetization as a function of time/external field).
  • d_size +/-: toggle the display of the avalanche size distribution.
  • d_correl +/-: toggle the display of the avalanche correlation function.
  • d_average +/-: toggle the display of the multi-run averages of the avalanche size distribution and the avalanche correlation function.


All output files are put in the data subdirectory, with averaged data put in the data/average subdirectory. The filenames indicate the type of data, as well as the number of dimensions, the size, the disorder, and the random number seed.

  • output +/-: toggle all output.
  • o_loop +/-: toggle output of the hysteresis loop (magnetization as a function of external field).
  • o_time +/-: toggle output of the time series (change in magnetization as a function of time/external field).
  • o_size +/-: toggle output of the avalanche size distribution.
  • o_correl +/-: toggle output of the avalanche correlation function.
  • o_average +/-: toggle output of the multi-run averages of the avalanche size distribution and the avalanche correlation function.

Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, now available at Oxford University Press (USA, Europe).