The Windows Interface
Running the Simulation
To start the simulation
switch to the directory containing the file HysteresisSimulation.exe
and double click on the icon shown on the left to run the
HysteresisSimulation Program. If you wish to output data
from the simulation, make sure that the subdirectories "data"
and "data\average" exist for the program to write to.
Starting your first run
When the simulation starts, the first thing you see will be a "New
Simulation Parameters" dialog box like the one shown to the right.
The above dialog box contains parameters for using the sorted list
algorithm to run a single 2-dimensional 100x100 simulation with
Rc=1.0 and a starting random number seed of 2. Because the
"Store Time Series" box is checked, the simulation will record the
entire time series of the simulation. The size of the time series
scales with the size of the simulation, so if you are running low on
memory you may want to uncheck this box. If you check the "Output
Data Files" box, the simulation will output data for each run of the
simulation, and output average data after all runs are complete. If
this box is unchecked, you will still have the opportunity to output
average data when all of the runs are complete. Change the "First
Seed" to run the simulation with a different set of random fields.
Change the "# runs" to get data averaged over a number of
instantiations of the random fields.
The User Interface

Once your first simulation has started, you will get a new window
which contains various views of the simulation results. These views
will be described in more detail in the next section, The
Views. Initially, only the lattice view will be visible.
At the top of the screen you will see the control bar shown above.
You will use this control bar to control the program. In the rest of
this section, we will describe in detail each of the buttons on the
control bar.
Create a new simulation. This will bring up the "New Simulation
Parameters" dialog box described above. |
View the average correlation function for the completed
runs. |
View the average avalanche size distribution for the
completed runs. |
View the M(H) curve for the current run. |
View the time series for the current run. |
Save the average correlation function and avalanche
size distribution. |
Save a snapshot of the lattice to disk. |
Make a printout of the current view. |
Get help on the HysteresisSimulation program. |
The Views
This section describes the various views of the data which are
available. For more information about the functions which are
plotted, see our paper.
The Lattice View

The lattice view is a picture of the lattice. Unflipped spins are
colored black, and each avalanche of flipped spins is colored a
different color. In dimensions higher than two, all avalanches are
projected into two dimensions and avalanches will overlap eachother.
The Correlation Function View

The correlation function view displays the average correlation
function for all runs completed so far. It is plotted on a log-log
plot, where each large line represents a multiple of ten. The blue
error bars show the standard deviation from run to run.
The Avalanche Size Distribution View

The avalanche size distribution view shows the average avalanche
size distribution on a log-log plot. The blue error bars represent
the standard deviation from run to run.
The M(H) View

The M(H) View shows the magnetization as a function of time. The
magnetization, M, is shown on the vertical axis, with M=1 at the top, and
M=-1 at the bottom. The magnetic field, H, is shown on the horizontal
The Time Series View

The time series view shows the avalanche sizes as a function of time.
With the assumption that the magnetic field, H, is being increased
at a constant rate. (Therefore, it is also a graph of avalanche size
as a function of H.)