Index of all Fields and Methods
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Index of all Fields and Methods


action(Event, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.AutoFitButton
action(e,o) is called when the button is pressed.
action(Event, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureButton
Called if an action occurs in the Component.
action(Event, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField
The action(Event,Object) method has been overridden so that the value of the internal variable will be changed to the value typed in the text box when the Enter key is pressed.
action(Event, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopButton
action(e,o) is called every time the button is pressed.
action(Event, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.SizeDialog
Called if an action occurs in the Component.
action(Event, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.StopButton
The action(e,obj) method is called when the button is pressed.
action(Event, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.ZoomButton
Called if an action occurs in the Component.
add(SpinFlip). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
add(SpinFlip spin) is used to add a new spin to the avalanche.
addCheck(CheckConfigurable). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
addCheck(check) adds the object check to the list of objects which must approve changes in the value of the variable.
addConfigurable(Configurable). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
addObserver(Observer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
addObserver(obs) is overridden to make the notification of observers more eficcient, and more predictable.
AppletPanel(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.FastApplet.AppletPanel
askUser(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.SizeDialog
attributeIsSet(int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The attributeIsSet(int) method is used to check whether an attribute has been set.
attributeSet(int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The attributeSet(int) method is used to set an attribute.
attributeUnSet(int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The attributeUnSet(int) method is used to unset an attribute.
AutoFitButton(HysteresisLattice, LoopView, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.AutoFitButton
the AutoFitButton(model,loop,name) constructor is used to create a new button attatched to a particular model and view, with the label given in the String name.
Avalanche(double, byte). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
Avalanche(double externalField, byte direction) creates an Avalanche data structure with the external field and the direction set.
AvalancheConsumers. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
avalancheNum. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
avalanches. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice


BIG_PRIME. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
The 46,009,220nd prime number, he largest prime less than 9*108.
booleanValue(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableBoolean

The intValue() method of ConfigurableInteger returns the value of the ConfigurableInteger as an int.


ccMenu. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
cDimensions. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
cDimensions is a configurable integer containing the number of dimensions of the lattice.
cDisorder. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
cDisorder is a configurable double containing the disorder of the system.
cDownSeed. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
cDownSeed is a configurable boolean which is true if there is a row of seed spins initially flipped down.
cFieldGoal. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
cFieldGoal is a configurable double containing the target value for the external field.
check(Configurable, Object). Method in interface edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.CheckConfigurable
The check(variable,value) is called by the configurable variable and returns true if value is an acceptable value for the variable, and false if it is not.
check(Configurable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.CheckLatticeSize
check(variable,value) is called when either someone tries to change either the width or the number of dimensions.
CheckLatticeSize(ConfigurableInteger, ConfigurableInteger, int, ConfigurableCollection). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.CheckLatticeSize
The CheckLatticeSize(width,dimensions,maxSize,menu) constructor constructs a new size checker, and attatches it to the width and dimensions variables with the maximum size set to maxSize.
checkList. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
checkSeedsDown(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
checkSeedsDown() is used to check the status of the DOWN seed spins.
checkSeedsUp(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
checkSeedsUp() is used to check the status of the UP seed spins.
checkValue(Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
checkValue(value) asks all the registered CheckConfigurable instances whether the value of the variable can be changed to value.
choose(int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
choose(int, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
clear(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
clear() is used to clear the display for a new hysteresis loop.
clear(double, byte). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
clearAvalanche(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
clearAvalanche() is used to erase the last avalanche from the display.
ClockSeed(). Static method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomSeedable
Return a long integer seed calculated from the date.
ClockSeed(Date). Static method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomSeedable
Return a long integer seed given a date
cLorenzian. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
cLorenzian is a configurable boolean which is true if the random fields obey a Lorenzian distribution, and false if they obey a Gaussian distribution.
CollectionFrame(ConfigurableCollection). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.CollectionFrame
complete. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
Configurable(ConfigurableCollection, String, String, int, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The constructor for Configurable must perform several actions for every configurable variable.
ConfigurableBoolean(boolean). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableBoolean

This constructor allows a ConfigurableBoolean to be constructed which exists outside the Configurable heirarchy and does not use its configurable functionality.

ConfigurableBoolean(boolean, String, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableBoolean

This constructor allows a ConfigurableBoolean to be constructed outside of the tree structure, but with short and long names.

ConfigurableBoolean(ConfigurableCollection, String, String, int, boolean). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableBoolean

This constructor is used to create a full-fledged ConfigurableBoolean with all of the functionality of a Configurable.

ConfigurableBoolean(ConfigurableCollection, String, String, int, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableBoolean

This constructor is used to create a full-fledged ConfigurableInteger with all of the functionality of a Configurable.

ConfigurableCollection(Applet, String, String, int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
This version of the constructor takes an Applet as its first parameter instead of a parent.
ConfigurableCollection(ConfigurableCollection, String, String, int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
Since ConfigurableCollection's don't need default values, a constructor is needed without a default value parameter.
ConfigurableDouble(ConfigurableCollection, String, String, int, double). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableDouble

This constructor is used to create a full-fledged ConfigurableDouble with all of the functionality of a Configurable.

ConfigurableDouble(ConfigurableCollection, String, String, int, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableDouble

This constructor is used to create a full-fledged ConfigurableDouble with all of the functionality of a Configurable.

ConfigurableDouble(double). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableDouble

This constructor allows a ConfigurableDouble to be constructed which exists outside the Configurable heirarchy and does not use its configurable functionality.

ConfigurableDouble(double, String, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableDouble

This constructor allows a ConfigurableDouble to be constructed outside of the tree structure, but with short and long names.

ConfigurableException(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableException

ConfigurableException() constructs an exception without an error string by calling Exception's constructor.

ConfigurableException(String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableException

ConfigurableException(String) constructs an exception with an error string by calling Exception's constructor.

ConfigurableInteger(ConfigurableCollection, String, String, int, int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableInteger

This constructor is used to create a full-fledged ConfigurableInteger with all of the functionality of a Configurable.

ConfigurableInteger(ConfigurableCollection, String, String, int, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableInteger

This constructor is used to create a full-fledged ConfigurableInteger with all of the functionality of a Configurable.

ConfigurableInteger(int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableInteger

This constructor allows a ConfigurableInteger to be constructed which exists outside the Configurable heirarchy and does not use its configurable functionality.

ConfigurableInteger(int, String, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableInteger

This constructor allows a ConfigurableInteger to be constructed outside of the tree structure, but with short and long names.

ConfigureButton(Configurable). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureButton
ConfigureButton(Configurable, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureButton
ConfigureFrame(Configurable). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureFrame
ConfigureTextField(Configurable). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField
The ConfigureTextField(Configurable) constructor accepts a Configurable as its only parameter.
ConfigureTextField(Configurable, int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField
The ConfigureTextField(Configurable,int) constructor accepts a Configurable variable as its first parameter, and the desired number of columns in the Text Field as the second parameter.
coords. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.SpinFlip
createConfigureComponent(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The createConfigureComponent() method returns a component which is designed to edit the Configurable variable.
cUpSeed. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
cUpSeed is a configurable boolean which is true if there is a row of seed spins initially flipped up.
cWidth. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
cWidth is a configurable integer containing the width of the simulation.


DEFSEED. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Default seed.
DEFSEED1. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
default iseed1 = 12345
DEFSEED2. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
default iseed2 = 67890
deleteCheck(CheckConfigurable). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
deleteCheck(check) removes the object check from the list of objects which must approve changes in the value of the variable.
deleteObserver(Observer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
deleteObserver(obs) is overridden to make the notification of observers more eficcient, and more predictable.
deleteObservers(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
deleteObservers() removes all observers from the notification list.
dimensions. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
direction. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
direction. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
displayFrame(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The displayFrame() method is used to display a frame to configure the variable.
doubleValue(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableDouble

The doubleValue() method of ConfigurableDouble returns the value of the ConfigurableDouble as a double.

DOWN. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
DOWN is used to represent a spin that is pointing DOWN
downSeedsOff(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
downSeedsOff() is used to turn off the row of seed spins that are always flipped down.
downSeedsOn(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
downSeedsOn() is used to turn on a row of seed spins that are always flipped down.
drawAvalanche(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
drawAvalanche() displays the last avalanche.
drawRect(int, int, int, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView


externalField. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
externalField. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice


FastApplet(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.FastApplet.FastApplet
findNextSpin(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
fit(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.AutoFitButton
fit() can be called from outside the class to zoom in on the hysteresis loop without the user pressing the button.
flipNextSpin(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice


gaussian(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
gaussian() uses the Box-Muller algorithm to transform raw()'s into gaussian deviates.
gaussian(double). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
generateRandomFields(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
get(String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection

The get(String) command is used to get the value of a variable in the ConfigurableCollections subtree.

getDirection(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
getDirection() returns the direction the spins flipped to.
getExternalField(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
getExternalField() returns the field at which the avalanche flipped.
getField(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
getField() returns the current value of the external field.
getField(double). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.RandField
getField(sd) returns a random field from some distribution of random numbers which has a width sd.
getFullName(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The getFullName() method is used to get the full, unique name of a variable.
getLimits(XYPair, XYPair). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The getLimits(lower,upper) method is used to find out the range of values possible for the external field (X) and the magnetization (Y).
getLimits(XYPair, XYPair). Method in interface edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.XYProducer
getLimits(lower,upper) is used by consumers to find out what range of values they can expect to receive.
getLongName(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The getLongName() method is used to get the long name of a variable.
getSeed(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
getShortName(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The getShortName() method is used to get the short name of a variable.
getSize(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
getSize() returns the size of the avalanche.
getSize(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
getSize() returns the current size of the simulation in an array of integers.
getSpin(int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
getSpin(int num) returns spin number num


handleEvent(Event). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.CollectionFrame
Handles the event.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureFrame
Handles the event.
hide(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.CollectionFrame
Hides the component.
hide(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureFrame
Hides the component.
hideFrame(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The hideFrame() method is used to hide the frame for a Configurable.
hideFrames(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
For ConfigurableCollections, we may want to hide the frames of all children, along with the frames of the Collection.
HysteresisLattice(short, short[], double, ConfigurableCollection). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The constructor for HysteresisLattice creates a new lattice with a given size and disorder, generates the random fields, sorts them, sets all spins down, and sets the initial external field to the field at which the first spin is about to flip up.
HysteresisPanel(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.HysteresisPanel
HysteresisPanel(), the default constructor, is necessary so that FastApplet can load and construct the HysteresisPanel without knowing anything about it except that it is a type of AppletPanel.


IGNORE_PARAMS. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
If the IGNORE_PARAMS attribute is set, a variable will not try to set itself from the PARAM tags, environment variables, etc.
IN. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.ZoomButton
incrementField(byte). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The incrementField(byte dir) is used to start a single avalanche in the direction direction.
init(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.FastApplet.FastApplet
init() reads in the param tags, sets up the splash screen and starts a thread for loading the main applet class.
intValue(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableInteger

The intValue() method of ConfigurableInteger returns the value of the ConfigurableInteger as an int.

INVISIBLE. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
If the INVISIBLE attribute is set, a variable will not be displayed in the menus.


keyDown(Event, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField
The keyDown(Event,int) method is overridden so that the text will change to red when the text is being edited, and so that the ESC key will restore the textbox to displaying the value of its internal variable.


LatticeView(HysteresisLattice, ConfigurableCollection). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
The LatticeView(model,menu) constructor is used to create a new LatticeView displaying the model model and attaching its menu to the menu menu
length. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
level. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.SpinFlip
localMenu. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
localMenu contains the configuration menu for the lattice view.
LOCKED. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
If the LOCKED attribute is set, a variable may not be changed.
LoopButton(HysteresisLattice, AutoFitButton, String). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopButton
The LoopButton(model,fit,name) attatches the button to the model, and the fit button which is used for zooming, and gives the button a label given by the parameter name
LoopView(HysteresisLattice, ConfigurableCollection). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
The LoopView(model,containerMenu) constructor creates a new LoopView, attatches it to the model, and attatches it to the applet menu system.
lxdflt. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Default luxury level: lxdflt=3


magnetization. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
main(String[]). Static method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomApp
makeLoop(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopButton
makeLoop() is called to generate a new hysteresis loop.
maxAvalancheChunk. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
maxField. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
maxlev. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Maximum luxury level: maxlev=4
maxUnflipped. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
MENU_LOCKED. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
If the MENU_LOCKED attribute is set, even if the variable is unlocked, and visible in a menu, it will not be settable from the menu.
minField. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
minimumSize(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
minimumSize() returns the minimum size for the view.
minUnflipped. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
modelThread. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
mouseDown(evt,y) is used to detect user mouse clicks.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
mouseDrag(evt,y) is called when the user drags the mouse with the mouse down.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
mouseUp(evt,x,y) is called when the user lifts the mouse button.


newAvalanche(double, byte). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
newConfigurable(Configurable). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField
The newConfigurable(Configurable) is used to reattach the text field to a new Configurable variable.
newFrame(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
newFrame(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
next. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.SpinFlip
nextToFlip. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
nf. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
notify(Avalanche, AvalancheProducer). Method in interface edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.AvalancheConsumer
notify(avalanche,producer) is called each time a model generates an avalanche.
notify(Avalanche, AvalancheProducer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
notify(avalanche,prod) is called any time an avalanche is produced.
notify(Avalanche, AvalancheProducer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.ProcessAvalanche
notify(av,p) is called every time a new avalanche is generated by the model.
notify(XYPair, XYProducer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.AutoFitButton
notify(XY,prod) is called when there is a new point in the hysteresis loop.
notify(XYPair, XYProducer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
notify(XY,prod) is called when a new avalanche has happened in the model.
notify(XYPair, XYProducer). Method in interface edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.XYConsumer
notify(XY,producer) is called by an XYProducer to send XY data to the consumer.
notifyObservers(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
notifyObservers() notifies all observers in the order in which they were added.
notifyObservers(Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
notifyObservers(arg) notifies all observers in the order in which they were added.
num. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.SpinFlip
numChecks. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
numObservers. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
numSpins. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice


observers. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
oldDisorder. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
oldNField. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.SpinFlip
OUT. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.ZoomButton
outputParams(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection

The outputParams() method returns a string containing Param tags to set an entire subTree.


paint(Graphics). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.FastApplet.FastApplet
paint(g) paints the background image and splash text for the splash screen.
paint(Graphics). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.HysteresisPanel
If this is the first time the applet is painting itself, then we will generate a hysteresis loop after we paint it.
paint(Graphics). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
paint is called whenever the display area needs to be repainted.
paint(Graphics). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
paing(g) does a number of things, depending on the situation.
powlaw(double, double). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
generate a power-law distribution with exponent alpha and lower cutoff cut
preferredSize(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
preferredSize() returns the preferred size of the view.
ProcessAvalanche(HysteresisLattice). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.ProcessAvalanche
The ProcessAvalanche(model) constructor connects the class to the hysteresis model, so that it is ready to start displaying avalanches to standard out.


queue. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice


RandomApp(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomApp
RandomElement(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
RandomJava(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomJava
randomPartition(int, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
RandomSeedable(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomSeedable
RandomShuffle(RandomElement, RandomElement, int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomShuffle
Ranecu(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
Initialize RANECU with the default seeds from James.
Ranecu(Date). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
Ranecu(int, int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
Initialize RANECU with two specified integer seeds.
Ranecu(long). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
Ranlux(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Default initialization of RANLUX.
Ranlux(Date). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Initialize RANLUX with default luxury level and a Date object.
Ranlux(int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Initialize RANLUX with default luxury level and a specified seed.
Ranlux(int, Date). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Initialize RANLUX with specified luxury level and a Date object.
Ranlux(int, int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Initialize RANLUX with specified luxury level and seed.
Ranlux(int, long). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Initialize RANLUX with specified luxury level and seed.
Ranlux(long). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Initialize RANLUX with default luxury level and a specified seed.
Ranmar(). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Initialize Ranmar with a default seed taken from Marsaglia and Zaman's paper.
Ranmar(Date). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Seed RANMAR from the clock.
Ranmar(int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Initialize Ranmar with a specified integer seed
Ranmar(long). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Initialize Ranmar with a specified long seed
raw(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
The abstract method that must be defined to make a working RandomElement.
raw(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomJava
Wrapper for Math.random().
raw(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomShuffle
The generator.
raw(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
raw(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
The random number generator.
raw(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
The generator
raw(double[]). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
Fill an entire array with doubles.
raw(double[], int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
Fill part or all of an array with doubles.
raw(double[], int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranecu
This is an inline version that returns an array of doubles for speed.
raw(double[], int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
A version of the generator for filling arrays, inlined for speed
redraw(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
redraw() is used to redraw the hysteresis loop from the hystory when the user has zoomed in.
registerAvalancheConsumer(AvalancheConsumer). Method in interface edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.AvalancheProducer
registerAvalancheConsumer(consumer) is called to add a consumer.
registerAvalancheConsumer(AvalancheConsumer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The registerAvalancheConsumer(consumer) method is used to keep track of what classes want to be sent the avalanche data.
registerXYConsumer(XYConsumer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The registerXYConsumer(consumer) method is used to keep track of what classes want to be sent the external field and magnetization data.
registerXYConsumer(XYConsumer). Method in interface edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.XYProducer
registerXYConsumer(consumer) is used to add a new consumer.
removeAvalancheConsumer(AvalancheConsumer). Method in interface edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.AvalancheProducer
removeAvalancheConsumer(consumer) is called to remove a consumer.
removeAvalancheConsumer(AvalancheConsumer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The removeAvalancheConsumer(consumer) method is used to stop sending avalanche data to a consumer.
removeConfigurable(Configurable). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
removeXYConsumer(XYConsumer). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The removeXYConsumer(consumer) method is used to stop sending field and magnetization data to a consumer.
removeXYConsumer(XYConsumer). Method in interface edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.XYProducer
removeXYConsumer is used to remove a consumer.
resize(Dimension). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
resize(newSize) is overridden so that the display will be re-setup when the area is resized.
resize(Dimension). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
resize(d) is overridden to make sure that the display responds to the resizing of the canvas.
resize(int, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
resize(x,y) is overridden to make sure that the display responds to the resizing of the canvas.
resizeView(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
resizeView() is used to respond to the fact that the size of the canvas has changed.
restart(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
restart() is called when we want to reset the view.
run(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField
run() is called when the action method creates a new thread.
run(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.FastApplet.FastApplet
run() is called when the thread is started in the init() method.
run(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The run method is called when a new thread is started, and will keep starting avalanches until the goal field is reached.
run(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopButton
run() is called when makeLoop() spawns a new thread.
running. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
running is a ConfigurableBoolean which contains the value true if the model is running, and false otherwise.


set(boolean). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableBoolean

We often will want to set the value of our ConfigurableInteger using an int, rather than a string, so we provide a set(int) method.

set(double). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableDouble

We often will want to set the value of our ConfigurableDouble using a double, rather than a string, so we provide a set(double) method.

set(int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableInteger

We often will want to set the value of our ConfigurableInteger using an int, rather than a string, so we provide a set(int) method.

set(String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The set(String val) abstract method is used to set the value of a variable.
set(String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableBoolean

The set(String) method of ConfigurableInteger takes a string as its argument, (e.g.

set(String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
In ConfigurableCollection, the set(String) method is implemented with logic for setting the values of the collection's children.
set(String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableDouble

The set(String) method of ConfigurableDouble takes a string as its argument, (e.g.

set(String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableInteger

The set(String) method of ConfigurableInteger takes a string as its argument, (e.g.

set(String, String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
setDiag(boolean). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranlux
Turns diagnostic messages on and off.
setDirection(byte). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
setEditable(boolean). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField
The setEditable(boolean) method of TextField has been overriden to change the color scheme.
setGoal(double). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The setGoal(goal) method is used to set the model running until it passes a certain goal field.
setLongName(String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The setLongName(String) method is used to reset the long name of a variable.
setSize(short, short). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The setSize(dimensions,width) method can be used to the dimensions of the system.
settingSize. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
setup(Applet, Label). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.FastApplet.AppletPanel
setup(applet,label) is called by the FastApplet to do any initialization required by applet that is being loaded.
setup(Applet, Label). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.HysteresisPanel
setup(applet, myLabel) is used to set up the display and the simulation.
show(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.CollectionFrame
Shows the Window.
show(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureFrame
Shows the Window.
size. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
SizeDialog(int, int, int). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.SizeDialog
sizes. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
sortedSpins. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
sortSpins(int, int). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
spinDirs. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
spinFields. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
SpinFlip(short[], int, short, short). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.SpinFlip
The SpinFlip(coords[],num,level,nField) constructor creates a new SpinFlip with the appropriate values.
spinNFields. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
spins. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.Avalanche
steps. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
stop(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The stop() method will stop the simulation as soon as the current avalanche is complete.
StopButton(HysteresisLattice). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.StopButton
The StopButton(model) constructor attaches the button to a model.


toString(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.Configurable
The toString() abstract method is used to get the value of the variable as a string.
toString(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableBoolean

The toString() method of ConfigurableInteger returns a string representing the value of the ConfigurableInteger.

toString(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection
The toString() method of ConfigurableCollection will return a string, which, if passed to the set(String) method will set all of the variables in the ConfigurableCollection's sub-tree.
toString(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableDouble

The toString() method of ConfigurableDouble returns a string representing the value of the ConfigurableDouble.

toString(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableInteger

The toString() method of ConfigurableInteger returns a string representing the value of the ConfigurableInteger.

toString(String). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigurableCollection


uniform(double, double). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
UP. Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
UP is used to represent a spin that is pointing UP
update(Graphics). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.FastApplet.FastApplet
update(g) is overridden so that the screen is not blanked before each repaint.
update(Graphics). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
update(g) is overridded so that the display will not be blanked before it is redrawn.
update(Graphics). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
update(g) is overridden so that the display is not cleared before repaints.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.AutoFitButton
update(obs,obj) is called whenever the parameters of the simulation are changed.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField
The update(Observable,obj) method required by the Observer interface is used to cause the edit-box to change when its variable's value changes.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The update(obs,obj) method is called whenever one of the configurable variables is changed.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.HysteresisPanel
update(obs, obj) catches changes in the size of the lattice.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.LatticeView
update is called when one of the configurable parameters of the model has changed.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopButton
update(o,obj) is called whenever one of the parameters of the model is changed.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
update(obs,obj) is called when the Configurable parameters of the model are changed.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.ProcessAvalanche
update(obs,obj) is called every time a new pass through the simulation is started.
upSeedsOff(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
upSeedsOff() is used to turn off the row of seed spins that are always flipped up.
upSeedsOn(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
upSeedsOn() is used to add a row of seed spins that are always flipped up.


waitForStop(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
The waitForStop() method will wait for the simulation to stop, and then it will return.
watch(boolean). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.ConfigurePack.ConfigureTextField


X. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.XYPair
XYConsumers. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.HysteresisLattice
XYPair(double, double). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.XYPair
XYPair(X,Y) constructs a new XYPair with the values X and Y.


Y. Variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.Hysteresis.XYPair


ZoomButton(boolean, LoopView). Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.ZoomButton
zoomIn(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
zoomIn() is used to zoom in to the coordinates the user has dragged a box around.
zoomIn(XYPair, XYPair). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
zoomIn(min,max) zooms the display to the coordinates given in the variables min and max.
zoomOut(). Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.mck10.HysteresisApplet.LoopView
zoomOut() is used to zoom out by a factor of two.