Glossary - N

nanometer, nm
One nanometer, written nm, is 10-9 meter (0.000000001m).

A elementary partice that has is found in the nucleus of all atoms except the hydrogen atom. They are uncharged particles and have a mass nearly equal to that of a proton.

non-polar molecule
non-dipolar molecule
Molecules that do not have an intrinsic dipole moment e.g oil and most hydrocarbons

nucleic acids
Essentially DNA and RNA.
Linear polymers of the material that DNA and RNA are built out of (nucleotides), that are reponsible for the storage and expressin of genetic information.

Monomers of which DNA and RNA are built. They consist of phosphates, a nitrogenous base and a carbon chain.

These glossary pages are part of the Membranes section of the SimScience project.