Glossary - T

ternary systems
Three phase systems: e.g. a water, oil and a surfactant.

Stands for `zillion (Tera) Floating-point Operations Per second'. Usually pronounced and sometimes written as tera-flops. It is used to measure the number of arithmetic operations that a computer can perform in one second -- the very fastest supercomputers at the moment (1998) can do 1 or 2 TFLOPS. See also FLOPS, MFLOPS, GFLOPS.

Thermodynamics is the study of the conversion of energy between heat and other forms, mechanical in particular. There are many processes that convert energy from one form to another. For example burning wood converts chemical energy (in the wood) to heat; turning a hydroelectric generator converts the kinetic (motion) energy of the water into electrical energy. There are two laws which we can use to help understand processes like these:

A sophisticated means of characterizing the geometry of an object. Although a circle and a square have different shapes they have the same topology whereas a disc and a ring although both round have different topology.

topologically different
Two things are said to be topologically different if they have different topologies. It turns out that in many physical systems the topology is very significant and often systems with the same topology are, in some senses, equivalent.

A surface made of triangles. If the triangles are small then the surface appears smooth.

1012 in scientific notation. You can also write it as a 1 with 12 zeros after it: 1,000,000,000,000 or a million million.

Something that has only two dimensions, a sheet of paper with no thickness for example.

types of surfactants
They can be divided into 4 categories based on the type of hydrophillic head: anionic, cationic, non-inonic and zwitter-ionic.

These glossary pages are part of the Membranes section of the SimScience project.