We assume you are running on a system which was set up for doing scientific Python, as described in The World is your Python. You can check this by running our Python demos at https://sethna.lassp.cornell.edu/StatMech/ComputerExercises/UnpackAndRunPythonDemos.py, which will download and run a large number of different solutions to exercises: download and run the Python file, or (if you are trusting) just open it directly from your Web browser using /usr/bin/python (or whatever the appropriate path is, say, determined by the command "which python").
For clarity, we assume you are starting up the Small Network exercise: change the names of the directories as appropriate for the exercise you are working on.
[changes directory]
[should show the files you downloaded]
[gives documentation for SmallWorldNetworkHints.py]
[copies file]
[edit file, save file]
[run python, ^D to exit python, edit Python, repeat]
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity,
now available at
Oxford University Press