Statistical Mechanics:
Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, Second Edition
Available as
pdf (published second edition),
and from
Oxford University
James Sethna
- Random Walks and Emergent Properties
- Self-similarity and fractals
- Temperature and Equilibrium
- Entropy
- Does Entropy Increase?
- Shannon Entropy, Entropy of Glasses
- Life, Heat Death of the Universe, & Black Holes
- Free Energies and Ensembles
- Quantum Statistical Mechanics
- Bosons: Bose Condensation and Superfluids
- Fermions: Metals, White Dwarves, Neutron Stars
- Computational Stat Mech:
Ising and Markov
- Monte Carlo, Metropolis,
- Stochastic Chemistry: Cells and Gillespie
- Networks and Percolation
Order Parameters, Broken Symmetry, and Topology
- Homotopy Theory and Topological Defects
- Excitations and Goldstone's Theorem
- Dislocations, Disclinations, and Vortices
- Deriving New Laws
- What is a Phase?
- Symmetry and Analyticity: Landau
- Correlations, Response, and Dissipation
- Fluctuation-Dissipation
- Causality and Kramers Krönig
- Abrupt Phase Transitions
Continuous Phase Transitions
- Universality and the Renormalization Group
- Scale Invariance and Fractals
- Percolation, Bifurcation Theory, Routes to Chaos
Last modified: December 1, 2021