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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // EvolutionStrategy.cpp: implementation of the CEvolutionStrategy class.
00002 //
00005 #include "EvolutionStrategy.h"
00008 // Construction/Destruction
00011 CEvolutionStrategy::CEvolutionStrategy(CParameterFilter *pFilter)
00012 {
00013         m_iMu = 15;
00014         m_iRho = 2;
00015         m_iLambda = 100;
00016         m_iNGenerations = 1000;
00017         m_pRNG = new Rand();
00018         m_pFilter = pFilter;
00019 }
00021 CEvolutionStrategy::CEvolutionStrategy(CParameterFilter *pFilter, int mu, int rho, int lambda, int nGenerations, int seed)
00022 {
00023         m_iMu = mu;
00024         m_iRho = rho;
00025         m_iLambda = lambda;
00026         m_iNGenerations = nGenerations;
00027         m_pRNG = new Rand(seed);
00028         m_pFilter = pFilter;
00029 }
00031 CEvolutionStrategy::~CEvolutionStrategy()
00032 {
00033         int i;
00034         if(0 != m_pRNG) delete m_pRNG;
00035         for(i = 0; i < m_iMu; i++)
00036         {
00037                 delete m_vpPopulation[i];
00038         }
00039         for(i = 0; i < m_iLambda; i++)
00040         {
00041                 delete m_vpOffspring[i];
00042         }
00043 }
00045 double CEvolutionStrategy::Minimize(double *parameters, Minimizable *minimizable)
00046 {
00047         // define variables/allocate memory
00048         m_dAvgCost = 0.0;
00049         nParameters = minimizable->GetNParameters();
00050         // fill the parent vector with dummies
00051         for(int i = 0; i < m_iRho; i++) { m_viParents.push_back(0); }
00052         // filter the variables; all genetic operators work with the 
00053         // filtered parameters
00054         m_pFilter->ForwardTransformation(parameters,nParameters);
00056         cout << "Generating initial population . . ." << endl;
00058         InitializePopulation(parameters);
00060         for(int genCount = 0; genCount < m_iNGenerations; genCount++)
00061         {
00062                 cout << "Generation " << genCount << " of " << m_iNGenerations << endl;
00063                 // generate lambda offspring
00064                 for(int nOff = 0; nOff < m_iLambda; nOff++)
00065                 {
00066                         SelectParents();
00067                         Recombination(nOff);
00068                         Mutation(nOff);
00069                         // now evaluate the new individual (stored as the nOffd element 
00070                         // of the Offpring array)
00071                         double cost = EvaluateOffspring(minimizable,nOff);
00072                         m_dAvgCost += cost;
00073                 }
00074                 // perform selection on the offspring, which generates the new population
00075                 Select();
00077                 cout << "Best cost in new population " << m_vpPopulation[0]->GetObjFuncValue();
00078                 cout << ", worst cost in new population " << m_vpPopulation[m_iMu-1]->GetObjFuncValue();
00079                 cout << endl;
00080         }
00082         m_dAvgCost = 0.0;
00084         // write the final population to a file
00085         fstream *pfPars = new fstream("population.par",ios::out);
00086         *pfPars << "##################################################################" << endl;
00087         *pfPars << "# POPULATION UPON TERMINATION - \"#\" IS SEPARATOR" << endl;
00088         *pfPars << "##################################################################" << endl;
00089         for(int popNum = 0; popNum < m_iMu; popNum++)
00090         {
00091                 double *pars = m_vpPopulation[popNum]->GetObjectParameters();
00092                 double func = m_vpPopulation[popNum]->GetObjFuncValue();
00093                 m_dAvgCost += func;
00094                 *pfPars << "# COST = " << func << endl;
00095                 int term = m_vpPopulation[popNum]->GetNObjectParameters();
00096                 for(int j = 0; j < term; j++)
00097                 {
00098                         *pfPars << m_pFilter->OperatorInverse(m_vpPopulation[popNum]->GetObjectParameter(j)) << endl;
00099                 }
00100         }
00101         delete pfPars;
00103         m_dAvgCost = m_dAvgCost/m_iMu;
00105         return m_dAvgCost; 
00106 }
00108 double CEvolutionStrategy::EvaluateOffspring(Minimizable *minimizable, int whichOffspring)
00109 {
00110         m_pFilter->BackwardTransformation(m_vpOffspring[whichOffspring]->GetObjectParameters(),nParameters);
00111         m_vpOffspring[whichOffspring]->SetObjFuncValue(minimizable->ObjectiveFunction(m_vpOffspring[whichOffspring]->GetObjectParameters()));
00112         m_pFilter->ForwardTransformation(m_vpOffspring[whichOffspring]->GetObjectParameters(),nParameters);
00113         return m_vpOffspring[whichOffspring]->GetObjFuncValue();
00114 }

Generated on Mon Nov 3 09:37:49 2003 by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002