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00001 // EvolutionStrategy.h: interface for the CEvolutionStrategy class.
00002 //
00005 #if !defined(AFX_EVOLUTIONSTRATEGY_H__CA201537_5E8F_44BF_8F51_87D452D0BB82__INCLUDED_)
00006 #define AFX_EVOLUTIONSTRATEGY_H__CA201537_5E8F_44BF_8F51_87D452D0BB82__INCLUDED_
00008 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
00009 #pragma once
00010 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
00012 //#ifndef _WIN32
00013 //using namespace std;
00014 //#endif
00016 #include "Minimizer.h"
00017 #include "Rand.h"
00018 #include "typedefs.h"
00019 #include "ParameterFilter.h"
00020 #include "EvolutionStrategyChromosome.h"
00021 using namespace std;
00023 class CEvolutionStrategy : public Minimizer 
00024 {
00025 public:
00026         CEvolutionStrategy(CParameterFilter *pFilter);
00027         CEvolutionStrategy(CParameterFilter *pFilter, int mu, int rho, int lambda, int nGenerations, int seed);
00028         virtual ~CEvolutionStrategy();
00029         // allocates memory and sets algorithm-specific parameters
00030         virtual void InitializePopulation(double *parameters) = 0;
00031         // performs the minimization
00032         double Minimize(double *parameters, Minimizable *minimizable);
00033         // selects rho parents from the population to form one offspring
00034         virtual void SelectParents() = 0;
00035         // mutates object and strategy parameters for one offspring
00036         virtual void Mutation(int whichOffspring) = 0;
00037         // recombines object and strategy parameters for one offspring
00038         virtual void Recombination(int whichOffspring) = 0;
00039         // performs selection on the offspring to form a new population
00040         virtual void Select() = 0;
00041         // evaluates the cost for one offspring
00042         double EvaluateOffspring(Minimizable *minimizable, int whichOffspring);
00043 protected:
00044         std::vector<CEvolutionStrategyChromosome *> m_vpPopulation;
00045         std::vector<CEvolutionStrategyChromosome *> m_vpOffspring;
00046         // size of population
00047         int m_iMu;
00048         // number of parents involved in production of one offspring
00049         int m_iRho;
00050         // size of offspring pool subject to selection
00051         int m_iLambda;
00052         // number of strategy parameters
00053         int m_iNStrategyParameters;
00054         // number of generations over which to run the algorithm
00055         int m_iNGenerations;
00056         // random number generator
00057         Rand *m_pRNG;
00058         // filter for parameters
00059         CParameterFilter *m_pFilter;
00060         // cost statistics
00061         double m_dAvgCost;
00062         // list of parent indices for offspring production
00063         intVector m_viParents;
00064 };
00066 #endif // !defined(AFX_EVOLUTIONSTRATEGY_H__CA201537_5E8F_44BF_8F51_87D452D0BB82__INCLUDED_)

Generated on Mon Nov 3 09:37:49 2003 by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002