Order Parameter Fields
Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Used in Wrist Watches (twists light along director)
- No (long-range) Translational, Head-Tail Order
- Described by Headless Vector n(x)
- Order Parameter Field is Mapping from Physical Space into
Order Parameter Space
- Nematic Order Parameter Space is RP2 (Real Projective Plane:
Hemisphere with Opposing Equatorial Points Identified)
- (Also Cross Section of a Fiber Bundle)
More about
Order Parameters, Broken Symmetry, and Topology.
This research was paid for by THE US GOVERNMENT
by the NSF.
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Sethna's Research 90-94
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Last modified: November 2, 1995
James P. Sethna,
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity,
now available at
Oxford University Press