Small World Exercise
Small world networks were inspired by the sociological phenomenon of "six
degrees of separation": the network of human friendships is thought to link
random pairs of humans through a remarkably small number of first-name
basis relationships (you know someone who knows someone who ... who knows
someone who was struck by a meteor, just like the dinosaurs). This simple
model has been studied perhaps too thoroughly, but remains a nice introduction
both to random network construction, to breadth-first search algorithms, and
to scaling collapses. Your resulting software can then also be applied to
real-world networks.
- Duncan Watts and Steven Strogatz,
Collective Dynamics of "small world" Networks
- Mark Newman,
The structure and function of complex networks
- Mark Newman,
Models of the Small World
- Mark Newman,
Scientific collaboration networks II: shortest paths, weighted
networks, and centrality.
- Mark Newman and Duncan Watts,
analysis of the small world network model
- Michelle Girvan and Mark Newman,
structure in social and biological networks
- Yook, Oltvai, and Barabasi,
Comparing Different Protein Interaction Networks
James P. Sethna,
Christopher R. Myers.
Last modified: August 24, 2006
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity,
now available at
Oxford University Press