Parameter definitions for "ising"
It's probably useful to look first at the special
features page. You may also want to look at one of the general help
files, Sliders, or Graphs.
- temperature: in units of J, where J is the nearest neighbor
exchange energy (NOT joules). (A value temperature = 3
J implies a temperature T = 3J/k in kelvin with k being Boltzmann's
- external field: applied magnetic field, in units of J, where
J is the nearest neighbor exchange constant. (A value external field
= 3 J implies a field H = 3J/mu in tesla with mu being the magnetic
moment of the spins.)
- number of sweeps: one sweep corresponds to a number
of Monte Carlo steps equal to the total number of spins. "ising" shuts
itself off after number of sweeps such sweeps. To defeat this
feature, set this slider to a large number, e.g., 10^4. (Restricted to
positive integers.)
- speed: sets the number of sweeps between successive displays,
and hence the animation rate. Run long anneals at fast speeds, but
watch individual spins adjust on the time scales of single sweeps.
(Restricted to positive integers.)
- initial conditions: the system can be initialized either by
choosing an item from this menu, by clicking on the init
button, or hitting the i-key:
- T=inf: Click on T=inf (i.e., infinite temperature)
to establish a random set of spin orientations.
- M=1 Click on M=1 to establish a completely
magnetized system.
- recall Click on "recall" to bring up a spin configuration
stored in memory.
- store Any spin configuration may be stored in memory by
choosing store from the menu when the desired spin
configuration is in the display. Configurations may be tuned at will
by clicking on individual spins to reverse them, or by dragging the
cursor slowly across a series of spins.
- graph type The graph on the right can show three different
characterizations of the time dependence of the magnetization:
- magnetization: a direct plot of the normalized
magnetization versus time. The unit of time is the characteristic time
t0 for the relaxation of a spin to its own local field.
- power spectrum: the squared Fourier transform of the
deviation of the magnetization from its mean, evaluated over the total
time available in the graph (NOT the smaller time interval that
may have been selected by a zoom). The display shows a modified running
average over average length successive points.
- autocorrelation: The autocorrelation function of the
deviation of the magnetization from its mean, taken over the full data
set in the graph. It is also the Fourier transform of the power
- run/stop: starts and stops the animation; key equivalent is
the spacebar.
- init: sets the initial conditions for the next run as
appropriate to the reading in the initial conditions menu, but
does not reset the graph. Key equivalent is the
i-key, and program also initializes with the selection of an
item from the initial conditions menu.
- copy graph: copies the current graph for further manipulation
or comparisons. See Graphs.
- reset: resets the graph to zero. This must be reset
AFTER the initial conditions are set in order to have the first
data point correct.
- presets: Takes you to a tear-off menu with which you may
select the presets. For more details, see the preset item in
the miscellaneous help file.
- configure: allows variation of additional system parameters
(figure above).
- lattice width: changes the number of spins in the array, as
does the
- lattice height: Again a compromise between better results
with more spins, and faster results with fewer. (Both restricted to
integers greater than one.)
- spin-up color: for those who tire of red, and white, you may change
- spin-down color: as well.
- average length: power spectra are typically given as
ensemble averages. "ising" achieves a similar result by calculating a
running average over a series of average length successive
points in the single sample power spectrum. (Restricted to
positive odd integers)
- revert: updates the listed configure parameters to
the current values (which may have been changed by a preset
- close: closes the configure window.
- help: Opens the help system which you have already found!
- quit: Terminates "ising"
- left side: illustrates the spin array, with red squares being
up spins (parallel to a positive applied field) and white squares being
down spins. Spins may be flipped manually with a click of the mouse or
by dragging with the cursor.
- right side: graphical output of one of the three
characterizations chosen from the graph type menu above the
graph. The unit of the time axis for the magnetization and the
autocorrelation plots is t0, the characteristic time
for the relaxation of a spin to its local field. The unit of frequency
for the power spectrum is 1/t0.
The magnetization is normalized to the saturation magnetization (hence
maximum value of unity). The power spectrum is normalized such that its
integral (over positive frequencies only) is one half of the mean square
deviation of the magnetization. The autocorrelation function evaluated
at tau=0 equals the mean square deviation of the magnetization.
- READOUTS All four of these averages are taken over the time
interval since the last reset. After the system parameters
have been changed, values are meaningless if additional data are taken
without a reset.
- <M> : average magnetization.
- <(M-<M>)^2> : mean squared deviation of the
- <E>: average value, per spin, of the system exchange
energy. The interaction energy with the external field is not included,
but is available from -<M>H.
- <(E-<E>)^2> : mean squared deviation of the energy.
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity,
now available at
Oxford University Press