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00001 // Components.h: interface for the CComponents class.
00002 //
00005 #if !defined(AFX_COMPONENTS_H__B03B7767_4F0E_11D3_8AFC_00105AC65E34__INCLUDED_)
00006 #define AFX_COMPONENTS_H__B03B7767_4F0E_11D3_8AFC_00105AC65E34__INCLUDED_
00008 #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
00009 #pragma once
00010 #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
00012 class CCell;
00014 #define NBIOVARS 20
00016 class CComponents  
00017 {
00018 public:
00020         void NextY();
00021         void Divide();
00022         void ResetY(int i);
00023         double GetDY9();
00024         double GetDY8S();
00025         double GetDY6S();
00026         void FirstInt();
00027         double GetY(int i);
00028         void StartAverages();
00029         void Initialize();
00030         void Integrate();
00031         CComponents(const CComponents& rComp, CCell* pCell);
00032         int test;
00033         CComponents(CCell* pCell);              //constructor
00034         virtual ~CComponents();
00035         CComponents& operator=(const CComponents& rhs); //assignment operator
00036         CComponents(const CComponents& rComp);                  //copy constructor
00037         double DT;              //Time step
00038         double DEV;             //Allowable deviation in corrector
00039 private:
00040         int ITN;
00041         int NT2;
00042         void Flux(double* Y, double* DY);
00043         void CheckNegConc();
00044         void TruncatedError();
00045         void DecideStepSize();
00046         void PredictorCorrector();
00047         CComponents();                                  //default constructor not to be used
00048         CCell* m_pCell;                                 //pointer to parent cell
00049         int NDimensions;                                //Number of dimensions
00050         double InitialValues[NBIOVARS];                 //dynamically allocated initial values array
00051         double Averages[NBIOVARS];                      //array for time average of component over a generation
00052         double KR[27];                  //ratio for adjusting kinetics
00053         double Y0[NBIOVARS];
00054         double Y1[NBIOVARS];
00055         double Y2[NBIOVARS];
00056         double Y2EST[NBIOVARS];
00057         double E3Rate;                          //Rate constant for E3
00058         //double CPDnaA;                //Rate of DnaA production
00059         double TotalTime;       //For computing averages
00060         double Y[NBIOVARS];             //array of components
00061         double DY6S;            //Protein synthesis
00062         double DY8S;            //DNA synthesis
00063         double DY9;                     //Cell envelope synthesis
00064         double CA1;                     //External ammonium ion concentration
00065         double CA2;                     //External glucose concentration
00066         double CA3;         //external ribonucleotide concentration
00067 };
00069 #endif  

Generated on Mon Nov 3 09:37:42 2003 by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002