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00001 // CoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector.cpp: implementation of the CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector class.
00002 //
00005 #include "CoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector.h"
00008 // Construction/Destruction
00011 CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector::CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector(double epsSq, double deltaSq)
00012 {
00013         m_dEpsSquared = epsSq;
00014         m_dDeltaSquared = deltaSq;
00015 }
00017 CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector::~CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector()
00018 {
00019         delete m_pReplicaOne;
00020         delete m_pReplicaTwo;
00021 }
00023 int CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector::GetNParameters()
00024 {
00025         return (m_pReplicaOne->GetNParameters() + m_pReplicaTwo->GetNParameters());
00026 }
00028 double CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector::GetParameter(int parIndex)
00029 {
00030         // it's in the first list
00031         int firstNP = m_pReplicaOne->GetNParameters();
00032         if(parIndex < firstNP)
00033         {
00034                 return m_pReplicaOne->GetParameter(parIndex);
00035         }
00036         else // it's in the second list
00037         {
00038                 return m_pReplicaTwo->GetParameter(parIndex - firstNP); 
00039         }
00041 }
00043 void CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector::SetIntersectionLists()
00044 {
00045         // look at all the parameters in the first minimizable/replica and determine
00046         // if they have counterparts in the second network.  When they are found, push
00047         // them onto the intersection lists
00048         for(int i = 0; i < m_pReplicaOne->GetReactionNetwork(0)->GetNumberOfRateConstants(); i++)
00049         {
00050                 std::string firstName = m_pReplicaOne->GetReactionNetwork(0)->GetRateConstant(i)->GetName();
00051                 for(int j = 0; j < m_pReplicaTwo->GetReactionNetwork(0)->GetNumberOfRateConstants(); j++)
00052                 {
00053                         if(firstName == m_pReplicaTwo->GetReactionNetwork(0)->GetRateConstant(j)->GetName())
00054                         {
00055                                 // put i on the first intersection list and j on the second
00056                                 // intersection list
00057                                 m_viIntersectOne.push_back(i);
00058                                 m_viIntersectTwo.push_back(j);
00059                         }
00060                 }
00061         }
00063         // before returning, if the intersection list is null print a warning
00064         if(m_viIntersectOne.size() == 0)
00065         {
00066                 cout << "WARNING : Coupled models have no shared parameters." << endl;
00067         }
00068 }
00070 double CCoupledReplicasMinimizableDirector::ComputeResiduals(double *parameters)
00071 {
00072         int j;
00073         double summedCost = 0.0;
00074         double psiSquared = 0.0;
00075         double psiFourth = 0.0;
00076         double PCost = 0.0;
00077         double gammaCost = 0.0;
00078         int subResSize = 0;
00080         // compute the residuals/cost from each replica
00081         int startingIndex = m_pReplicaOne->GetNParameters();
00082         summedCost = m_pReplicaOne->ObjectiveFunction(&parameters[0]) + m_pReplicaTwo->ObjectiveFunction(&parameters[startingIndex]);
00084         int ResOne = m_pReplicaOne->GetNResiduals();
00085         int ResTwo = m_pReplicaTwo->GetNResiduals();
00087         for(j = 0; j < ResOne; j++)
00088         {
00089                 residuals[j] = (m_pReplicaOne->GetResiduals())[j];
00090         }
00091         for(j = ResOne; j < ResOne + ResTwo; j++)
00092         {
00093                 residuals[j] = (m_pReplicaTwo->GetResiduals())[j-ResOne];
00094         }
00095         int nextResidual = ResOne + ResTwo;
00097         double rcCost = 0.0;
00098         int intersectionSize = m_viIntersectOne.size();
00099         int n1 = m_pReplicaOne->GetNParameters();
00100         for(j = 0; j < intersectionSize; j++)
00101         {
00102                 double psi = log(parameters[m_viIntersectOne[j]]) - log(parameters[n1 + m_viIntersectTwo[j]]);
00103                 psiSquared += psi*psi;
00104                 psiFourth += psi*psi*psi*psi;
00105                 residuals[nextResidual+j] = sqrt(m_dEpsSquared/2.0)*psi;
00106                 rcCost += residuals[nextResidual+j]*residuals[nextResidual+j];
00107         }
00108         // last residual is the participation ratio
00109         residuals[nResiduals-1] = sqrt(m_dDeltaSquared/2.0)*(2*log(psiSquared) - log(psiFourth));
00110         PCost = residuals[nResiduals-1]*residuals[nResiduals-1];
00112         return summedCost + rcCost + PCost;
00113 }

Generated on Mon Nov 3 09:37:44 2003 by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002