
Materials Science


Dynamical Systems

Breakdown of quasiperiodic motion in systems forced at two frequencies
Renormalization group analysis of the breakdown of quasiperiodic motion

Defects in Liquid Crystals

Boojums in chiral smectic liquid crystal films
Defect theory of the rippled P-beta' phase of lyotropic smectics
Quasicrystalline model for the blue fog phase


Quantum Tunneling of Large Objects: Dislocation Kinks.
Ground state of an interacting anyon system
Statistics of the quasiparticles in the RVB state
Instanton methods applied to defect tunneling in the presence of phonons
Instanton methods applied to defect tunneling in the presence of phonons

Disordered Systems

Slow relaxation in the Griffiths phase in spin glasses
Spin glasses on a Bethe lattice


Scaling theory of the liquid-to-glass transition
Zero temperature entropy distributions at slow cooling rates
Elastic dipole model explaining universal low-temperature properties


Sloppy Models