Homework Exercises
Graduate Quantum I
Physics 6572, Fall 2013
- Useful reference: first
chapter of Basdevant and Dalibard's "The Quantum Mechanics Solver"
(Cornell ebook).
- 1. Notation, interference, and wavelengths
- Hints files for 'Square Well Ground State'
- 2. Interferometers and Random Matrices
- 3. Entanglement, Bell, and Free particles
- 4. Bell and Harmonic Oscillators
- Hints files for 'Harmonic Oscillators and symbolic manipulation'
- 5. Aharonov-Bohm, propagators and coherent states
- Hints files for 'Coherent states'
- 6. Path integrals
- 7. Quantum algorithms and WKB
- Hints files for 'WKB, instantons, and the double well'
- 8. Rotations, spin, and spinors
- 9. Groups and representations
- 10. Bosons, fermions, and anyons
- 11. Chemistry
- Hints files for 'Nuclear Shell Model'
- 12. Density Matrices
- 13. "Second quantization", resonances, and
- 14. Cats
- Final Exam (due 5:00 Friday December 12 in
Sethna's office, 412 Physical Sciences Building)
2012 assignments
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