Graduate Quantum I
Physics 6572, Fall 2012
- 1. Qbits and polarizers
- 2. Qbits and mirrors
- 3. Qbits and entanglement
- 4. Qbits, Bell, and GHZ
- 5. Aharonov Bohm and
magnetic monopoles
- 5.5. Parallel transport,
falling cats, and Berry's phase
- 6. Magnetic fields and
quantum mechanics
- 7. Green's functions and
- 8. Path integrals and the
classical limit
- 9. The method of stationary
- 10. WKB and Instantons
- 11. Rotations and Spin
- 12. Alex Alemi's Group Representation
- 13. Rotations and Group
- 14. SU(2) and SO(3)
- 15. Lie Algebras
- 16. Bosons and Fermions
- 17. Bosons, Fermions,
and Spin
- 18.
Non-interacting Bosons and Fermions
- 19. Metals and Fermi surfaces
- 20. Exchange
- 21. Broken gauge symmetry, superfluids, and the Higgs mechanism
- 22. Resonances
- 23. Density matrices
- 24. Density matrix
chapter from
Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity
- 25. Fock space and
creation and annihilation operators
- 26. Commutation
relations for creation and annihilation operators.
- 27. Cats and the
Mössbauer Effect
- 28. Fermi's Golden Rule (unused)
- 29. Chemical bonds and exchange forces. (Video available.)
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